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Social studies

Learning Focus

This article discusses the formation of a new party-the United Alternative-through a union of Reformers and Conservatives, and various political tactics that could be used by the UA to gain voter popularity.

Article Summary

  • Reform Party leader Preston Manning is trying to persuade his followers to back a union with the Conservatives.
  • Manning believes that only a United Alternative (UA) can hope to defeat the currently popular Liberal government in Ottawa.
  • Many Reformers are cautious about joining the Conservatives, and are challenging Manning's leadership.
  • Manning will face an important test of his proposal at an upcoming Reform convention in Ottawa.



  • a) What is the United Alternative?
  • b) Why does Reform Party leader Preston Manning support this idea?
  • What issues will be discussed at the upcoming Reform Party convention in Ottawa?
  • What conclusions does Reform pollster Andre Turcotte draw from a recent survey of voters' preferences in Ontario?
  • Realistically, what can the UA hope to achieve in the next federal election?
  • How did provincial election results in Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, and Manitoba surprise the experts?
  • What policies does John Laschinger think the UA should use against the Liberals?
  • What does Harry Meyers think the UA should do to follow the Saskatchewan Party's success?
  • What strategy does Brian O'Leary recommend to the UA?
  • What must happen before the UA can be formed?
  • What issues are dividing Canada's three major federal parties?